List & Label 24 is Released
After almost one year of intensive development, software provider combit is releasing Version 24 of its reporting tool List & Label. Once again, its performance has been significantly improved. The extensions in the Report Designer, which can be passed on free of charge, are useful not only for software developers who can integrate List & Label into their applications, but for users as well. The Designer was not only simplified, but upgraded with the integration of Rscript, which offers almost unlimited visualization options for diagrams. The scripting language Rscript specializes in statistical computations and graphs and can be expanded through numerous packages which are available online. “My personal favorite of the new version is the option of creating crosstabs via drag & drop and to then convert them directly into charts – and vice-versa”, explains Jochen Bartlau, Managing Director and Head of Development List & Label. “Both forms of presentation have much in common regarding the underlying data – this way, users do not have to do the work twice when creating reports.”
Press Release: List & Lable 24 is released (PDF)